Sunday 6 November 2011

March 2013

The latest and third part of the research has involved conducting semi structured interviews with adults over 18 who have heard voices, hallucinations, had unusual experiences which most others don't,unusual perceptions,thinking ---and have experienced person-centred or non directive or experiential therapy and/or pre-therapy

Participants are sharing both helpful and unhelpful aspects of the therapy,how it may have impacted on them and the context of other important factors outside of the therapy which may have helped them.Participants they commented that they have found it useful to process their experiences in this way in the research,and sometimes identify future needs through such reflection.

I have an almost complete data set now but ideally need to interview two more people

I am gathering a rich data set which is constructively impacting on my practice and helping me to reflect on what might be elements of good practice as I begin to analyse some of this data set.

The first study final draft was in June PCEP Journal and the second two studies will be analysed,written up and submitted to journals

My real dissapointment is my lack of ability through international networking to find any participants who have experienced pre-therapy and are able to be interviewed.This may be partly because this type of work is not often identified specifically by staff or those who receive it and may be combined with other ways of working.However, the more general person-centred data is very interesting and I look forward to complete analysis

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